Multilayer paint collection filters in flame retardant stretched and expanded Kraft paper with final mini-mesh.
Multilayer paint collection filter. Flame retardant stretched and expanded Kraft paper with fin al mini-mesh. The various layers are overlapping and tied by means of stapling. Suitable for one-layer filtration or prefiltration. Efficiencies: 85.5% / 97.5%.
This type of aerosol has variable characteristics in relation to the manifold parameters, such as:
– Characteristics of the painting product
– Quantity sprayed
– Spraying technique
– Air flow rate
– Transfer efficiency
The average separation efficiency and the duration are affected by the following parameters:
– Characteristics of the aerosol
– Air velocity
– Distance between the sprayer and the filter
– Maximum permitted pressure drop
Therefore , the product performances described vary and are specific of each single installation.
Filtration of the air expelled from liquid painting product spray painting areas.
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Multilayer paint collection filters in flame retardant stretched and expanded Kraft paper with final mini-mesh.
Multilayer paint collection filter. Flame retardant stretched and expanded Kraft paper with fin al mini-mesh. The various layers are overlapping and tied by means of stapling. Suitable for one-layer filtration or prefiltration. Efficiencies: 85.5% / 97.5%.
This type of aerosol has variable characteristics in relation to the manifold parameters, such as:
– Characteristics of the painting product
– Quantity sprayed
– Spraying technique
– Air flow rate
– Transfer efficiency
The average separation efficiency and the duration are affected by the following parameters:
– Characteristics of the aerosol
– Air velocity
– Distance between the sprayer and the filter
– Maximum permitted pressure drop
Therefore , the product performances described vary and are specific of each single installation.
Filtration of the air expelled from liquid painting product spray painting areas.